~photoblog of a WNY zone 6 gardener

Monday, December 15, 2008

Amazing Gardening Coincidences

Part of front walk bed in late spring. The baby tree trunk is in the background.

This is a copy of an old posting of mine from Tomatoville:
I got home from work this evening, and I went to sit down to eat and see that tomato seeds from Yugoslavia(can't remember which new part) are on the table. A gentleman originally from there that works with my husband went back for a visit. My husband asked him to bring back tomatoes for me in the store pkgs. from there. So I got 3 packs of St. Pierre, a French tomato?(if you about this tomato, please give me some info,) in the original pkgs. from there. Ok, that is not that weird. Hold on it does get wierder.
Now I have just picked up these pkgs., and I'm examining the foreign words, and the door bell rings. My husband answers and then he is yelling for me, and I'm annoyed because I just want to look and eat! There is a guy at the door wanting to know where we purchased our new apple tree and how much did it cost.(Our old one died in the local freak October snow storm.) It is grafted with a few antique varieties. My husband doesn't remember the mail order company. I tell him and then he is asking if I have a catalog, so I get up and go look for one, and I finally got to the door.
There are actually 2 men, one about 40, one about 70. The younger man is apologizing for the older man who can't speak much English. The older man is pointing at the apple pictures saying with a thick accent, "Yes, yes." as if to say that he does want a tree like mine. He must of made the younger guy stop. My husband say to the younger man, "Where is he from? Yugoslavia?" To which the older man says one of the new parts of Yugoslavia. Then I say, "I just got tomato seed from there!" The older man says, "tomatoes?". Then the young man says, "Don't get him started on tomatoes." I went back in the house and got a pack of the St. Pierres, and hand it to the older man. He smiled and said the word Paradajz(tomato?) from the pkg. The younger guy says the older man has a huge vegetable garden. I then point telling the older man I have a garden in the back. He looked like a happy little kid, and just starts heading back! So we took a garden tour.He kept pointing and saying, "Beautiful!" in his thick accent. It was fun.
We came back out front, and the younger man thanked us and told the older man to give the seed pkg. back to me. I told him no, to keep it. Then they left.
When we got back inside, my husband looks at me and says, "How weird was that? What are the chance of that happening?"
It was incredible odd.

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Favorite Garden Blogs

Favorite Tomatoes

  • Humph - Green
  • Stump of the World - Pink, my absolute favorite
  • Little Lucky - Small Yellow Bicolor
  • Prudens Purple - meaty Pink
  • Carbon - Black


About Me

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Plantaholic, from annuals to perennials, from tomatoes to roses. You name it; I love it! I often get very busy with my business and life and don't post as often as I would like.