~photoblog of a WNY zone 6 gardener

Thursday, April 30, 2009

More Daffodils! (and a few friends)

Early Tulip

I feel bad that I've ignoring some of my other bulbs! The tulips pictured above I received from Scheeper's a few years back. I forgot their name. They were the replacement for the year before's fiasco. I bought a variety that was suppose to be a muted red-yellow combo as above and they bloomed screaming yellow-red. I actually wrote a letter to complain, but I did it nicely, and I got these as a free replacement the following fall.
Ok back to the daffodils, lol.


'Misty Glen'


The next photo show 2 types of double I received at the first WNY GardenWeb plant swap from a young woman named Jen.
Names Unknown

Oh this next little cutie I forgot to post before. He is 'Toby the First'. He does start blooming early, and he blooms for a long time. The only drawback to him is his price tag! Photobucket

This last photo for tonight is of one of my favorite bulbs, though the photo isn't. It is the clump blooming Hyacinth 'Festival Blue'. They do make nice clumps increasing over time, and they smell fantastic too!

Lots more Daffodils to come. I hope you're not getting tired of them!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dance of the Daffodils

'High Society'

High Society is like Pink Charm's more refined sister with the delicate pink rim. I do like her, but I guess I like to hang out with the wilder sibling. Speaking of wild looking, 'Van Sion' always looks like someone rolling out of bed after a night of partying.
'Van Sion'

I originally received these from a trader long ago on GardenWeb. In fact it was the first trade I ever did. A woman was offering green and yellow daffodils. I though, "Green?! I must get some of those!" They are odd and some might say ugly, but I adore them still.
A couple years ago in another GardenWeb trade, I received the following double which is all yellow, but there's color variation. I think it may be 'Butter and Eggs'. It also reminds me of a person rolling out of bed after a night of partying, but this one is that person you hate because for some reason they still look good.

The next one set me back a few bucks, but I wanted a pink-yellow combo daffodil so badly. The color variation is subtle, but I do like it. The daffodil is a good garden performer and has come back strong every year. That is the one worry about buying the more expensive culitvars~ Will they return for a second season?

Ok, one more for the night... This was the first "pink" daffodil I ever bought. Some of those old daffodils faded away, but she still comes back every year.

Don't worry the dance has just begun...

Monday, April 27, 2009

Finally! Spring Is Here And So Am I

Daffodil 'Rip Van Winkle'

It is good to have my computer back. The old and very slow laptop was torture. I have taken tons of pics, so now I'm back logged with all of them! This is not a good time of year to fall behind. I've been cleaning, weeding, planting, and taking care of my tomato babies. Now the forsythia are blooming, so it is time to prune the roses. This is a task that takes a few days. I don't mind it though since I don't do much else to my roses. Anyway, here's a few more daffodil pics for tonight.

'Professor Einstein'

'Katie Heath'

'Pink Charm'


Don't worry, I'll post more daffodils soon! : )

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

MIA, Hopefully Not For Long

Daffodil 'Ellen' from last year

Hi All,
It has been too long since my last post, and I took new pics to start showing the garden. Then my computer died. It is only like 6 months old! I'm getting it fixed for free, but what a pain. Hopefully my hiatus won't be long.
At least spring is here and daffodils are blooming.

Favorite Garden Blogs

Favorite Tomatoes

  • Humph - Green
  • Stump of the World - Pink, my absolute favorite
  • Little Lucky - Small Yellow Bicolor
  • Prudens Purple - meaty Pink
  • Carbon - Black


About Me

My photo
Plantaholic, from annuals to perennials, from tomatoes to roses. You name it; I love it! I often get very busy with my business and life and don't post as often as I would like.